Late Night Dinner with the Stars (Part II)
Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 9:03am by Cadet Senior Grade Meghan Stefani & Cadet Senior Grade Daniel Weaver
1,251 words; about a 6 minute read
The Cadet Cruise
Location: Observation Lounge
"I have two older siblings. Ren and Tatania. Both in the Bajoran Military. My dad didn't put them through any of this. At least, as far as I can remember. So, you can imagine my dad’s surprise when I went to Starfleet instead. My Mom was encouraging of it. It didn't matter to her one bit. So did my dad for that matter. Then, one day, out of the blue he starts being tougher on us. Came back from a duty assignment and he suddenly wanted to toughen us up." Daniel paused slightly, looking over to Meghan with a heavy sigh, before squeezing her hand slightly. "That's when my parents started to argue more. They did before, but it was always playfully. This was different. It was always about how he changed and how he was putting so much on us. It's what led to them splitting."
"And that didn't convince him to stop?" She shook her head. "Never mind. Of course it didn't. I wonder what happened to make him change so much. Did you ever find out?"
"No..." Daniel replied softly. "I tried asking my mom, but she always told me, it was his story to tell and talking about it would help him."
"Yes, but that would mean he has to unbend enough TO tell you, and I don't see him admitting to any weakness. It's like he's punishing you for not being the exact person HE wants you to be. I don't think he's even thought about what you want or who you are." She shook her head. "I don't want to ruin our night by talking about your father--unless you need to."
Daniel smiled a bit. "It's okay. At least it helps to get it off my chest." He squeezed her hand slightly before asking. "What about your family? Tell me about them."
"I'm an only child and grew up on a small colony. Both my parents are craftsmen. My mother is a weaver and makes wall hangings and tapestries. My father is a wood carver. We live--they live--at the edge of a large wood where my father can collect fallen branches for his work. My mother will sometimes collect feathers to add to her art. They both do amazing work." She smiled, thinking of the hours and years she would watch them. "I learned a bit, and I can weave and carve, but I don't have the touch of magic they do. I was more interested in the woods and then history. They're both very supportive of my joining Starfleet." It was very different from Daniel's upbringing and she squeezed his hand. "Maybe I can take you there some day to meet them."
"It sounds like you came from a great family and they taught you a lot." Daniel replied softly, holding onto his smile.
"Yes, but nothing's perfect. Tell me about your mother. She sounds like she cares for you a great deal."
"Well..." Daniel began with a smirk. "My mom is Bajoran, obviously." He gave her a smile as he continued. "She's strict, but not as strict as my dad. My mom would always be open to helping us get something done without doing the work for us. Not just when it came to school stuff, but everything we wanted to do. She was very religious, like most Bajorans, but she never pushed it on us. One of the things she liked to do with us was building a balance between human and Bajoran stuff. If there was something we liked that she didn't understand, she would go out of her way to learn about it. Some would say she was monitoring what we were into, which could be the case, but it felt more like she just wanted to understand why we liked it and wanted to have something to talk to us about. I think you two would probably get along. A lot better than you and my dad." He chuckled slightly. "A lot better than most people and my dad, to be honest."
"I'm glad you had your mom." Meghan didn't think she could live around his father. "But, in spite of your father, I think you turned out quite well." She smiled again.
"Not bad for a Half Bajoran Half Human full of Daddy Issues." Daniel replied with a smirk. "Isn't that what Shafin calls it? I have Daddy Issues? Have you met my father? Do you blame me?" He let out a chuckle and took a drink.
"No, I can't blame you. I've only just met the commodore and I have issues with him." Meghan shook her head. "You've done remarkably well to still be sane."
"It wasn't for a lack of trying." Daniel replied with a smile. "Having you helps. Even Shafin helps in his own way, but I don't think his ego is ready to hear that from me."
"Good, because we're all on your side. I think what your father is trying to do only makes us more determined to help you succeed."
"So, you're saying, if my father backs off you'll stop caring about me?" Daniel picked up his drink and smiled slightly. "Good to know."
Meghan leaned forward and looked at him intently. "Nothing will make me stop caring about you, Daniel. Not even your father."
Daniel leaned in towards her and smirked. "I'll make sure to make a note of that in my report, Cadet." He said softly as he raised a brow before adding. "Is there anything else you want me to add?"
"Not for the report. Anything else I want to add is strictly off the record," she teased.
"Well then..." Daniel replied with a smile, before whispering softly. "You can consider what's next off the record."
"I look forward to it."
"It will be a short wait." Daniel whispered before leaning in, over the table, kissing Meghan. His lips locked with hers as his hands remained gripped to the sides so as not to lose his balance and humiliate himself by falling over and ruining their dinner.
The kiss wasn't long, but she felt it all the way to her toes. When they both sat back she smiled. "Definitely off the record. Although I may need a reminder before the night is over." At least, she hoped he'd kiss her again tonight.
For several minutes they ate in comfortable silence. The food was good and the company better. "Do you have anything planned for after dinner?" She was fine either way, but she was curious.
"I'm kind of winging it, to be honest." He let out a bit of a chuckle as he looked back over to her. "I wasn't sure how much you would want to do since we both have lessons in our areas of study."
"Yes. That's the problem. What I want to do is spend the rest of the evening with you, but I do have a lesson due in the morning." She raised an eyebrow. "Since I don't want your father to come in here asking us what we're doing, why not come back to my quarters? Renae is with her friends and we can spend some time studying."
When he agreed, the two of them cleaned up so no one would know of their late-night dinner. Then the two of them went to Meghan's quarters to study.
Cadet Senior Grade Daniel Weaver
Command Cadet
USS Cavalier
Cadet Senior Grade Meghan Stefani
Science Cadet
USS Cavalier