Specifications - USS Cavalier


One of the last vessels designed and launched before the debacle at Wolf 359, the Steamrunner Class of starships was the quintessential utility vessel of Starfleet. The class was originally designed as a replacement for the elder statesman of the fleet, the Miranda class, in the role of cruiser and deep space fleet escort.

The Steamrunner class was launched and quickly slipped into the role of exploration and, working in tandem with the Saber class, in the expansion of the Federation. Equipped with modest scientific resources and diplomatic facilities, the Steamrunner proved to be a capable stand-alone deep space vessel.

Design Objectives

Provide a mission specific mobile platform for a wide range of diplomatic, scientific, or explorative projects.

Supplement Miranda, Soyuz, and Merced class starships as an instrument of the Federation deep-space defensive, scientific or diplomatic presence.

Provide autonomous capability for full execution of Federation defensive, cultural, scientific, and explorative policy in deep space or border territory.

Serve as a frontline support vehicle during times of war and emergencies.

Provide a mobile platform for testing and implementation of mission-specific or new technology of any kind.


Class Steamrunner
Role Light Cruiser
Duration 70 years
Time Between Refits 5 years
Time Between Resupply 2 years


Length 300.8 meters (987 feet)
Width 223.1 meters (732 feet)
Height 50.6 meters (166 feet)
Decks 10


Officers 40
Enlisted Crew 188
Emergency Capacity 200


Cruise Speed warp 7
Maximum Speed warp 9
Emergency Speed warp 9.6

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Auto-Modulating Shields
Weapon Systems Type X Phaser Strips (10)
Armament Pulse Fire Torpedo Launcher: 2
Tri-Cobalt Devices: 2
Quantum Torpedoes: 80
Photon Torpedoes: 120
Single Fire Torpedo Launcher: 2
Photon Torpedoes: 80

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 1
Shuttles Type 8 Shuttle: 4
Type 9 Shuttle: 2
Type 10 Pod: 3
Fighters 6