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Sat Dec 7th, 2024 @ 3:02am

Cadet Senior Grade K’tarra Smythe

Name K’tarra daughter of Smythe

Position Acting Chief Engineer

Rank Cadet Senior Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Half Klingon, Half Human
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark Crimson
Physical Description Her movement is quick and darting. The same purpose seems driven into the look in K’tarra’s crimson eyes. She seems calculating. Her height adds to her intense visual impact. Her height is about 5’11 or so, barely under 6’0. Long, wavy black and brown hair frames her face. K’tarra is carved from a dark complexion from both her human and klingon sides of the family.

There’s something human in her voice. Her ridges seem more defined on her forehead than on her nose and surrounding facial features. For such a young Klingon, her somewhat stern mannerisms make her seem older. Wide, twisting grins and toothy smiles are still her most common facial features. It may be a physical manifestation of her dark hum


Boyfriend/Girlfriend None
Father Capt. Marcus Smythe (ret) - Former Ship CO
Mother G’ril’Qor - Station Commander
Brother(s) M’aQlor Smythe - KDF Warrior
Sister(s) None
Other Family The House of Moklor

Personality & Traits

General Overview K’tarra speaks her mind. She’s a boisterous half human, half klingon with a knack for aggravating her commanding officers. She is still adapting to life within human culture. K’tarra still loves her opportunity to attend Starfleet Academy.

Although she is often reserved and not very approachable, she is looking at her training mission on the Cavalier with new motivation. It’s an exciting prospect and a tough test. The need to patrol space was constantly driven into K’tarra’s psyche. She jumped at the chance to escape the classroom environment and learn while serving the Federation on the Steamrunner class vessel.
Strengths & Weaknesses K’tarra could be described as a problem solver, more so than as an intellectual. The Academy is teaching her to be more prepared. She tends to hurry, rush and adapt over preparing and calculating her moves. The frantic pace which she lives her life sometimes causes issues. She seems more comfortable when things are hectic.

Her anger can also sometimes cloud her judgement. She does not like to feel restrained or judged. All of this makes her defensive often, making her less trusting. She tries to balance this with humor and an open mindset.

Her fears of not living up to what the Empire, her familial House and those she cares about are another loose link in the strong Klingon’s mental armor.

K’tarra is fairly strong mentally and physically. It’s her lack of control and trust issues which hinder her.
Ambitions K’tarra is driven by the need to live up the everything the Klingon Empire embodies. She is not embarrassed of her human nature, but she is defensive about it. The woman always feels as if she has something to prove. This might likely be the subconscious root behind some of her aggression.
Hobbies & Interests K’tarra is interested in her culture. She enjoys sling re about her film’s long history on Earth. This includes studies leading from Africa, to Colonial America, into the long history of military and Starfleet officers leading to her. As a Klingon, her cultural studies always lead to military affiliation.

She’s deeper into her klingon culture on a more personal level. K’tarra is in love with classical klingon music played on traditional stringed instruments. She also considers herself a connoisseur of fine Klingon cuisine.
Languages Federation Standard, Klingonese

Personal History K’tarra was raised on a colony world on the edge of Klingon space. Her father was a Starfleet officer who met her mother while on a diplomatic mission. Until her early teen years, her father lived apart from her mother. The Klingons did not accept him as family and forbid the pair from marriage. Marcus Smythe also had obligations to fulfill in Starfleet.

The situation was far from ideal. K’tarra eventually moved aboard the USS Columbia with her mother. It was here were she first began to study with human classmates. By this time she had already completed her Klingon youth rites certifying her as a warrior.

She loved her father and knew that those human ways were also a part of her. K’tarra resisted at first, but always kept that thought in her mind.

As a unique student, awkwardness turned into popularity as she grew older. It turned out she was somewhat of a knack for engineering. She understood the basics behind DPS flow to propulsion systems.

At the Academy she dug deeper into Engineering studies. Her major is in Propusion, with a minor in Structural Repair. The latter dips from Engineering into Operations. She feels it’s important to diversify her skills. She also isn’t sure which field she’d actually enjoy more.

It turned out that her range of skills across both disciplines, as well as high physical marks led to her selection for the USS Cavalier mission.
Medical Records There are a few notes in her files about her temper and how she’s been working to acclimate to working within Federation standards. She has been showing improved progress.
Year in Academy Senior
Majors and/or Minors Her major is in engineering with a focus in Deuterium storage and regulation. Her minor is in Operations-Structural Repair. Her major deals with managing the DPS flow throughout a ship. The focus is on getting power from the engines to other ship systems. A minor in operations is useful because she will likely be tasked to lead damage control teams further along in her Starfleet career.