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Wed Apr 26th, 2023 @ 11:33am

Cadet Junior Grade Saskia de Jager

Name Saskia de Jager

Position Acting Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Cadet Junior Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Saskia is a slender young woman with blond hair she wears in a short bob and blue eyes. She’s pale, with a scar on her left cheek that she has not removed. She wears her hair braided on one side, and off duty is usually seen in tank tops and uniform trousers.


Father Johannes de Jager
Mother Sanne de Jager
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Saskia is often seen as the one with a bit of a loud mouth, who can be so direct it can be considered rude. But despite this, she is a caring individual who likes making sure that people are okay. She’s an introvert who wishes she wasn’t, so will often pretend to be more social than she feels. She has a tendency to rationalise herself, so is voted the one ‘most likely to appear calm during a crisis, and to then burst into tears when it is all over and done’, something she demonstrated during various exams and stress tests.
Strengths & Weaknesses Saskia is smart, with quick reflexes and a decent memory.

She does however have a lot of insecurities, which make her question herself a lot. She takes things too personal, either going from being stoic to blaming herself for a mistake she has done. She will always be her own harshest critic.
Ambitions Saskia wants to one day pilot the flag ship of Starfleet, although she’ll settle on just graduating.
Hobbies & Interests Ancient fantasy literature of Earth, history, cycling and flying. She has also picked up painting, although she is pretty convinced she is terrible at it.
Languages Standard, Dutch

Personal History Saskia was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, the daughter of Sanne and Johannes de Jager. Growing up, she spent a lot of time with her mother who was a shuttle pilot who took tourists over the country. It was flying with her that gave her the love for piloting, although her father wanted her to become a teacher.

Saskia had a happy childhood as an only child, staying in the country she was born in. But she had a dream of doing more, to fly higher and bigger than her mother did. So, when she was 18, she sat the entrance exams for Starfleet Academy. She was a nightmare to live with in the run-up, a nervous wreck. She did pass and was accepted, but naturally then the guilt of leaving her parents behind came in. It was her father who convinced her to go to the Academy, telling her that they would be fine and that they were proud of her.

She went to San Francisco, proud to be joining Starfleet, but also incredibly daunted by all the other cadets there. She covered up her own insecurities with some classic Dutch directness, mulling instead quietly over every mistake she did. However, even mulling over it, she learned from it, and did better the next time.
Medical Records When Saskia was 17, she was involved in an accident in in the countryside when she was cycling on a three day cycle tour by herself. She suffered a gash to her face, and broke her bicycle. She hadn't a communicator with her, so ended up walking half the night until she came to the farm compound of a group of Luddites. With no dermal regenerator, she had stitches instead. She stayed an extra day, before getting a ride to the nearest place she could contact her parents. Her father was shocked and told her to have it fixed, but Saskia saw it as a good lesson of life. She got herself into the mess, it ended up scarring her, and maybe that was a good lesson not to take all the risks. As a result, she still has a facial scar.
Year in Academy Junior
Majors and/or Minors Major: Flight (Starship and shuttle piloting
Minor: Engineering