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Cadet Senior Grade Finn Walsh

Name Finn Aiden Walsh

Position Acting Chief Medical Officer

Rank Cadet Senior Grade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 182.87 cm (5ft 10in)
Weight 68.9 kg (152 lbs)
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Finn Walsh would say he looks as ordinary as anyone else in his family. He has curly brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. His father’s gene pool gave him the ears that stick out and the freckles that dot his nose and cheeks. He has what would be considered masculine features. He has a strong jaw, wide shoulders, and a slim waist. His body is toned and lean, and this comes from working on the family farm, as well as participating in sports like swimming, boxing, and football.

When he is attending classes or doing his field study work at Starfleet Medical, he wears a uniform that is neatly pressed and fits his frame quite well. He has this terrible habit of losing his combadge, but besides that, as a fourth-year cadet, he knows the ins and outs of the Starfleet uniform dress code – which includes everyone’s favorite – uniform boots that are shined. As per regulation for cadets, he is clean shaven, and keeps his hair short on the sides with a bit of length on top.

Off duty is a different story. Finn tends to dress in comfortable clothing from jeans, to overalls, to oversized shirts and sweaters. Coming from a farming lifestyle, he knows to dress for comfort and for the elements. He still owns his winter parka that he received when he was fifteen, despite having a Starfleet issued parka. Before he left for the Academy, his family attended a small Catholic church, and so he knows the importance of dressing in his Sunday best. Though he no longer attends church, if he is invited out, or going to a party, he dresses up a bit.

Overall, Finn would be considered traditionally handsome, and does draw attention, however, he wants to be known for more than his looks and he won’t apologize for that either.


Boyfriend/Girlfriend No
Father Ronin Walsh
Mother Aislinn Walsh
Brother(s) No brothers
Sister(s) No sisters
Other Family Plenty to go around.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Finn Walsh is considered an outgoing and friendly guy. He has no issue talking to others and is a young man who makes friends fast and easily. He is an easy-going person, who doesn’t let the small stuff bother him. He would say his upbringing taught him to be compassionate toward others, lend a helping hand, and to not judge. Though he was an only child, he never felt alone due to having friends, and plenty of extended family. He knows his outgoing personality can grate on some people's nerves, but he won’t apologize for who he is.

He also is a young man of principle. That has always been instilled in him from the time he could understand his place in the universe. His family line stretches as far back as the 14th century and has heard stories of trials and tribulations his ancestors had gone through. From famines, to persecution, to prejudice, to fighting for freedom, he knows how important it is to keep fighting the good fight and to never compromise who you are.

Finn is also a hard worker and knows the value of a good days work. Being a cadet was nothing like farm life, but its commonality was the amount of work it takes to succeed. Though he likes to go out, have fun, wreak a bit of havoc, he knows his goals and dreams are far more important than being the life of the party. He studies hard, he goes at his workouts hard, and he goes at his goals hard. It drives him bonkers to see other cadets just skate by, especially when he had to work twice as hard to even get into the Academy. He is not a stick in the mud by any means, he just feels that by the end of the day, he can rest well knowing that he put in his all to everything he did.

Concerning the relationship with his father, it has deteriorated terribly over the last few years. He has tried to reach out to his father, but there has been no such luck. It is a constant guilt he carries with him because he left the farm, but more importantly the legacy that he was meant to continue. Finn still has regular contact with his mother, and with some of his other family members, but anytime he visits home, he can feel how disappointed, and angry some of his kinsfolk are for his choices. Most days, he tries not to think about all that went down, but the guilt, the sadness, the frustration, and anger are still there, lurking and waiting to burst out. Finn does his best to keep it at bay, and when it comes through, he heads to the gym where he can beat the hell out of a boxing bag.

Overall, though, Finn Walsh is an easy going, open, compassionate young man who knows that his personality attributes will serve him well when he reaches the goal of being a doctor.
Strengths & Weaknesses Finn is a big believer that strengths complement weakness and vice versa. He is human, he is not perfect, and he makes mistakes. To him weaknesses are something to work on, to strive to do better, but he knows that this part of his humanity will always be with him, just like his strengths.

He does have plenty of strengths, especially when it comes to his personality. He is easy going as well as outgoing, he can tell a dirty joke like no one’s business. He finds strength in his humanity, especially as a moral, ethical, and affirming human being. Another strength is his dedication to the work, he works hard, and he learns quite quickly. Medicine has certainly become a calling of his, and he just soaks up everything he can when it comes to medicine. He will strive for the right answer, no matter how many tries it would take him to do so.

His weakness, he will say, defines him just as much as his strengths. He has some bad habits, like most people, but nothing too out of the ordinary. With that said, his emotions can be a mixed bag at times. If he is overly stressed, he will take it out on a wall, if his anger boils over, he will find himself yelling at the top of his lungs. His constant guilt can leave him in a bad mood or a depressive funk for days. His biggest weaknesses, however, is trying to hold all that negative emotion in. He tries to bury it deep down, and typically that means him always being ‘on’ and ready to get going. He always puts on a smile, no matter how dark of a mood he finds himself in. It is something he is working out, but as of now it is part of who he is.

But, just like so many of his peers, he is in stressful situations that require a lot of time and effort to get through. Balance can be tough, but he manages it more times than not and he considers that a win in his book.
Ambitions Finn never really considered himself ambitious before he knew what he wanted out of his life. He just sort of, well… existed. Nevertheless, when Starfleet, especially medicine, got onto his radar, he worked hard to get to where he wanted to be. Since he lived such a simple existence, and didn’t have the training, he had to work twice as hard to even get accepted into the Academy. Once he was there, ambition certainly was a driving force, but mostly for him to succeed and prove to his father that this was the path he was meant to take.
Hobbies & Interests Finn’s hobbies and interests do vary beyond medicine and the sports he participates in. He is not a ‘jock’ in the traditional sense of the word, but wants people to know there is a fully, dedicated academic side to him as well. Growing up in the countryside has made him appreciate nature, and how Ireland’s culture is so much different than that of the States. However, his hobbies and interests grew tremendously once he arrived in San Francisco for the Academy.

Some interests that he has but are not limited to is food, he has become a foodie since leaving his home. San Francisco has a huge and thriving food scene, and he has enjoyed every bit of it. He also has become interested in the changing landscapes of the American Southwest. Some of it is mountainous, some of it flat, some of it desert, and some of it overly populated. He has challenged himself several times in camping in various areas from the deserts to the mountains to the plateaus. The Rocky Mountains are amazing to him, and in the very little off time he has, he tends to venture out into them.

Hobbies include anything related to swimming, boxing, or football. He is on the swim team at the Academy as well as the football (soccer) team. Boxing is a way to not only remain focused but get his aggressions out when needed. More mundane hobbies are reading, learning to cook, and just relaxing after a long day of hard work. He will often visit the botanical gardens, or parks just to feel some connectedness to home and to the land, plus he loves the fresh air and the scents of the many flowers and plants.

Even with specific hobbies and interests, Finn will try just about anything that is suggested. He had made a huge leap to come to the Academy, and he doesn’t want to miss any experiences that come along with it.
Languages Finn has an accent but speaks standard.

Personal History Finn, when born, was considered Ronan and Aislinn’s miracle child. His mother had experienced multiple miscarriages, despite getting the best prenatal care the twenty-fourth century had to offer. Once she became pregnant again, she sought out care with midwives and on a cold, and snowy December 25th, Finn Aiden Walsh was born. He was born at home, in the care of his aunts, who had helped deliver him. He was told that he was a strong baby, with a good set of lungs.

Once the newness wore off, and his mother became less suspicious of modern medicine, he was treated like any other child. His childhood was a fine one, he grew up in a tight-knit farming community outside of Maddockstown, County Kilkenny. The Walsh farm had been in the family for centuries, and it would be Finn’s legacy one day. He was taught the value of hard work and helping others in need. His family also attended a small Catholic church with others in the community. He never truly latched onto it, but it was a must that he went. If asked, he would say his years before attending Starfleet Academy were challenging but good ones. He always had a roof over his head, food in his belly, a family that loved him, and a school to learn from.

All his life, he had heard stories of his ancestors, how some were farmers, some were explorers, some were healers and some fought the good fight during times of upheaval. Finn’s father could always tell a good story, and he often wondered why his father didn’t pursue more of an education, to teach history or even story telling. But farming was the only thing his father ever knew, and in a way that was good for his father, but Finn wasn’t so sure if it would be a good thing for him.

As he grew older, Finn was constantly reminded of his legacy, that he was the only child and that the farm would be his. There was pressure to partner up, to eventually have children, and to then pass the farm onto the next generation. He would just nod, say I know, but deep down he couldn’t fathom any of it. On warm summer nights, and cool winter ones, he would look up at the sky and see the billions of stars that burned brightly. He often wondered about those explorers in his ancestorial line and would silently question how other family members felt about it. He loved his home and he loved his family, but he knew he couldn’t stay in Ireland for the rest of his life, and he knew he couldn’t stay on the farm. For the first time, he finally admitted to himself that he wanted more, and that he was allowed to have more.

A week after his sixteenth birthday, the major fallout had happened. He told his parents that he would be applying to Starfleet Academy. Though the farming community was a close knit one, they were not immune to the news of the outside world, or the galaxy. The Dominion War had been fought hard and won, and the Federation had continued to deal with one fallout after another. Finn tried to make the argument that he would be out there helping the greater whole, but it all fell on deaf ears. As his father screamed and yelled for hours, his mother just sat there, hands clasped in her lap not saying a word. Finn could tell she didn’t want to take sides, but by staying silent, he knew which side she had subconsciously chosen. The next day, his father acted like nothing happened, Finn’s mother did the same.

Finn was determined now more than ever to get into Starfleet, and that meant for the next two years he would have to work even harder to make that happen. Though he had received a good education, he was officially done. He worked full-time on the farm now, which put him at a disadvantage among the many applicants that would be applying. He knew that those who would apply were going to have more advantages than him. Most came from Starfleet families, they knew the ins and outs, and even if they didn’t come from Starfleet families, they worked hard to make sure they would get in. That meant with his combined education, and work experience, he wouldn’t even be close to getting in. The only thing he knew how to do was tend to the land and the animals. From those in his ancestorial line who were healers, he gained knowledge of plants, and their healing properties. He did have one thing going for him though, he was a quick learner and could memorize quickly.

For two years, Finn worked as hard as he could. By day, he tended to his duties on the farm and by night he was off to Kilkenny to take classes on all sorts of subjects. He worked hard and studied hard, even when he ended up with the bad flu, he continued. His father and he were just barely on speaking terms, but Finn was mostly left alone because he still fulfilled his work on the family farm. Then came the day he was to test, and for the first time in his life, he left Ireland for a testing facility in Paris. He had been to Kilkenny many times in his life, but the city seemed small compared to Paris. He took in the sites, absorbing all he could before he would test. He would be in Paris for two days and he would make the best of it.

The testing, from Finn’s point of view was brutal, but he persevered. After the testing on day one, he and other fellow contenders hit the Paris night life. Finn had a blast, and for a very brief time he felt free, he didn’t think about anything but himself, his new friends, and the dancing he was doing in one of the many clubs they hit. The next day he finished up the testing, felt pretty good about the overall experience, and then left Paris back for his home. A few days later, he received his acceptance into Starfleet Academy, and would be pursuing the premed track.

Finn knew, deep down, he could have stayed and ignored all the hard work he put in over the past two years. But holding that PaDD with the information of his acceptance, the track he was accepted in to, and his report date were too hard to pass up either. He wanted out, yet he questioned himself on how he could even think about leaving the home he had ever known? Also, what would others think of him? Sure, he wasn’t some backwards hick, but he wasn’t as well traveled or as knowledgeable as some of those he got to know while in Paris. Some of those who he met were surprised he had never even left Ireland. That embarrassed him, yet he still easily adapted to the situation.

He kept the acceptance hidden from his parents, he knew they would try to talk him out of it, so it was best to not say anything. As the summer went by, and fall was approaching, he knew he couldn’t wait that much longer. His report date was coming up, and he couldn’t just leave. The day of his leaving, with bags packed, he told his parents, and after being screamed at by his father, he left for the transport out of Kilkenny. Once boarded and the shuttle took off, he watched out the window as the home he had always known was becoming a speck of green. For the first time in a long time, tears filled his eyes.

San Francisco was nothing like Paris, in fact Finn liked it better. He could feel the city had a heartbeat, a vibe to it that Paris didn’t have. Sure, there were people everywhere, and the buildings were close together and tall, but he loved that the city had life to it. He spent a night in the city and then reported for his first day at the Academy.

The habits he acquired from the farm life transferred nicely to the Academy. It was nothing for him to be up early, to put in a long day of classes and work, and then get to bed, only to repeat the same thing the next day. Finn acclimated quite well in the beginning, he and his three other suitemates became fast friends, his classes were challenging but good, and he signed up for the swim team. Though as time went on, his first bout of depression hit, he knew there was always something there, lying low, but he never let it free. There was always too much to do, too much to accomplish, too much to prove. But that low lying feeling hit, and he couldn’t move, or do anything. He just laid there, in bed, unable to do anything… which stressed him out even more, which made things worse.

He missed home, and the guilt on the way he left things with his father gnawed at him. He didn’t know how to cope with these negative emotions he was dealing with. Eventually, he finally got out of bed, and was ordered to see a counselor. He realized that he traded one person telling him what to do, and how to live, to a whole organization that was telling him what to do and how to live. Finn felt free from the binds of his father and the Walsh legacy, but yet was bound by duty, honor, and anything else a cadet was supposed to undertake. But he stressed that he wanted to be at the Academy, and his initial psychological eval also proved that. This was just a bump, a hiccup, something to overcome, which would be more challenging than he could ever imagine.

After that bout, Finn returned to his normal routine, the swim practices helped with focusing, and his workouts in the gym helped with aggression and anger. Again, as he progressed through the years, the work became more challenging but he enjoyed the challenge. By the time he reached the third year, some of his friend group had dropped out of the Academy or were not allowed to continue due to poor grades. This hurt his heart, but he kept going, and any new roommate or classmate that came in, he would easily turn into a friend.

By the last semester of his third year, and over the summer, and going into his fourth year, he was able to secure an internship at Starfleet Medical. He worked alongside residents and doctors every day, doing research, learning minor surgical procedures, and learning the large catalogues of medication, xenoanatomy and physiology, and much much more. He was even introduced to the new version of the Emergency Medical Hologram – which was customizable to fit the needs of the crew.

Due to his hard work at Starfleet Medical and his continued studies at the Academy, he was offered a spot in the medical department on the USS Cavalier. He was excited by the prospect of doing a tour of duty, especially getting the chance to work on a starship in sickbay. The Cavalier was going to be a new experience, a new adventure, one that Finn was ready to partake in.

He is currently a fourth year premed cadet on the Cavalier.
Medical Records Physically fit human male, no illnesses or anything out of the ordinary.
Year in Academy Senior
Majors and/or Minors Major: Premed
Minors: Botany