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Fri Feb 2nd, 2024 @ 8:43pm

Cadet Junior Grade Tarah Zhanorazon

Name Tarah Zhanorazon

Position Acting Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Cadet Junior Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 88 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Thick, straight, and short hairstyle. Her hair is white and her eyes are dark blue. She usually wears conservative clothes. She has a moderate build for her age and species, not thin or chubby.


Boyfriend/Girlfriend none
Father Grenzharan Zhanorazon
Mother Hanazara Zhanorazon
Brother(s) Trethnoran 17, Gorkonquin 10
Sister(s) Scholanza 15, Henorzhala 13
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Her appearance is conservative, but she is bold in her actions and quick to take risks if she feels the benefits are worth the chance. She is reserved in personality until she is comfortable with the person. She has been reprimanded several times for entering areas or conducting experiments she was not authorized to perform. She is intelligent, but sometimes wreckless.
Strengths & Weaknesses She is bold and willing to take chances. She refuses to quit and seeks different ways to overcome a challenge.

Sometimes her initiative leads her to act before considering the risks or the consequences if her ideas fail.
Ambitions Proceed to higher levels within Starfleet. She is a descendant of two deep ancestries of Starfleet commanders and government officials in the Federation.

She wants to test-fly new ship configurations and challenge herself as a pilot.
Hobbies & Interests tinkering with old ship parts and mechanical devices. She wants to invent ways to perform ship functions using old and forgotten junk.
Languages Andorian, (Federation language)

Personal History At the Academy, she earned two commendations. The first was for setting the highest score record at the 'Battle of Cardassia' flight simulation by altering power supplies in alternate programs to build a stronger pulse in the ship's speed. The second was earned by combining a chemical (Thestyllian) to the ship's outer core to alter the molecular structure of the ship momentarily to phase through attacks during the Wolf 359 simulation.
Medical Records Freshman year
broken right arm (due to crashing a shuttle that she stole for joy ride)
Concussion (Testing an experimental ground vehicle that she built)
Torn ACL (Maneuvering on a series of swinging construction beams at a restricted gambling hall)
Second degree burns on her left arm (spilled a toxic chemical experiment while trying to create a new alcoholic beverage)
Dislocated left shoulder and elbow (Fighting Nausicans at local club)
Broken left foot (The suspension of a hovercraft failed and landed on her. The craft was scheduled for destruction and she rebuilt it without authorization.
Concussion, Broken right leg, dislocated back rib cage (she jumped from the top of an obstacle course wall to finish the course with a new record time).
She appears to have behaved or not been caught.
Second-degree chemical burns on her arms and left leg (experimenting with unauthorized chemical compounds on Academy grounds)
Broken Right Arm (During the theft of a decommissioned escort ship and trying to deliver it to her private garage).
Year in Academy Junior
Majors and/or Minors Flight Control is her major.
She has minors in Engineering and Science