Welcome aboard the USS Cavalier!

The year is 2391 and the USS Cavalier, a Starfleet Steamrunner that has participated in some important battles and events, is scheduled to be overhauled and retrofitted. Prior to its upgrade, the ship took on a large group of cadets for a tour, to learn about working on a starship and the responsibilities of each department onboard.
While on their voyage, the ship is sent into a wormhole that brought them to the far side of the Gamma Quadrant and attacked. The skeleton crew is killed and the cadets repel the intruders before mounting an escape. Now, all alone and a quadrant full of species both new and familiar, who may stand in their way of getting home again.
These inexperience cadets must band together and overcome their fears to show that, despite all odds, they have what it takes to called themselves Starfleet Officers.
Latest Mission Posts
» Bridge Training: Diabolus Ex Spatio Lacrimae (Part II)
Mission: The Cadet Cruise
Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 9:26am by Cadet Senior Grade Meghan Stefani & Cadet Junior Grade Ruby Rojas & Cadet Senior Grade Daniel Weaver & Cadet Junior Grade Emma Mendez & Commodore Peter Murphy & Archibald 'Archie' Dorrian
Archie placed his hand on Daniel's shoulder and smirked slightly before whispering to the cadets. "Take from an old timer, Cadets. This ain't the Maru. If they think they have all the answers..." He said before leaning in slightly. "Change the questions." Archie gave a wink before proceeding to the turbolift with a pleased smile.
Meghan smiled as he passed and nodded. She could do that. For Daniel, she could definitely do that.
K'tarra chuckled with hints of bold, Klingon laughter. Adrenaline had begun to pulse throughout her as the reality of setting off into space sunk in.…
» Late Night Dinner with the Stars (Part II)
Mission: The Cadet Cruise
Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 9:03am by Cadet Senior Grade Meghan Stefani & Cadet Senior Grade Daniel Weaver
"I have two older siblings. Ren and Tatania. Both in the Bajoran Military. My dad didn't put them through any of this. At least, as far as I can remember. So, you can imagine my dad’s surprise when I went to Starfleet instead. My Mom was encouraging of it. It didn't matter to her one bit. So did my dad for that matter. Then, one day, out of the blue he starts being tougher on us. Came back from a duty assignment and he suddenly wanted to toughen us up." Daniel paused slightly, looking over to Meghan with a…
» Bridge Training: Diabolus Ex Spatio Lacrimae (Part I)
Mission: The Cadet Cruise
Posted on Sat Dec 7th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Commander Vladimir Borovich & Cadet Senior Grade Meghan Stefani & Cadet Junior Grade Ruby Rojas & Cadet Senior Grade Daniel Weaver & Cadet Senior Grade K’tarra Smythe & Cadet Senior Grade Finn Walsh & Cadet Junior Grade Emma Mendez & Commodore Peter Murphy & Archibald 'Archie' Dorrian
The bridge of the Cavalier seemed extra quiet, save for the occasional beeps and bops from the consoles, but none of the officers seemed to be in a talking mood. Perhaps, it was because they were hard at work or maybe it was because the Commodore was sitting in the Captain's chair. Regardless, the atmosphere of the bridge wasn't at all where it was for the first training exercise.
As the Commodore turned his chair to face the turbolift, expecting the Cadet's to arrive any moment, a familiar and old voice came from the other side.
"So... Commodore..." Archie…
» Late Night Dinner With The Stars (Part I)
Mission: The Cadet Cruise
Posted on Tue Nov 5th, 2024 @ 3:26am by Cadet Senior Grade Meghan Stefani & Cadet Senior Grade Daniel Weaver
Daniel needed to relax after everything that had happened, so the best thing for him to do was keep a promise he made earlier. He made his way to Meghan's Quarters and tapped on the chime. Hopefully, if she had a roommate, she wouldn't be as upset over the late night wake up call. He stood there in the corridor, looking back and forth to make sure the coast was clear, before tapping the chime again.
Meghan checked her appearance one more time. She'd chosen a simple dress in sapphire blue with a snug bodice, full skirt that fell…
» Hitting the Books
Mission: The Cadet Cruise
Posted on Mon Oct 28th, 2024 @ 5:21am by Cadet Junior Grade Shafin Todenhöfer & Cadet Senior Grade Finn Walsh
It had been a long and exhausting experience that Shafin had to endure with the Commodore’s version of the Kobayashi Maru test or whatever the heck that was supposed to be up on the Bridge. It had begun to edge closer towards unfair torment and bullying, and Shafin had more than enough of that. Bullies had been with him throughout his childhood years and though he had hated to admit it, he was not even free from them at Starfleet Academy. He was twenty-one Earth cycles old…years and more than a child. He was an adult, but officers treated him…